We are proud to welcome you to our new website, a one-stop-shop for all things related to labor rights at Wesleyan!
As we continue to operate under the strenuous conditions of the pandemic, we are transitioning steadfastly to virtual organizing. More and more has been demanded of workers in terms of hygiene and safety, and fewer and fewer hours have been available for workers, so it is essential that we continue rigorously organizing to protect labor rights throughout the pandemic and beyond.
From updates about issues and actions, labor history on campus, to ways to get involved, visit our website often to catch the latest news!
Read our recruitment zine for this semester here, or read about our latest fights in the links below:
Argus: ResLife Student Workers Request Hazard Pay
Argus: WorkForce Time Continues to Spark Student and Worker Frustration
Argus: Wesleyan Announces New Timekeeping System “WorkForce,” Met With Student and Worker Outrage